Teeth Injuries
Accidents, falls & sports etc can result in broken or displaced teeth & jaws. Sometimes, teeth are totally knocked out of the mouth.
What To Do In Case The Tooth Falls Out Of The Mouth?
- 1. Do not panic. Act calmly and quickly.
- 2. Control the bleeding in mouth with clean cloth or gauze.
- 3. Collect the fallen tooth or tooth fragments from the accident site and put in a glass of saline/ milk/ water.
- 4. Do not vigorously clean the tooth
- 5. Visit nearest dentist within 1 hour with the fallen tooth or fragment. The earlier, the better
- Tooth fractures can range from minor to severe. Dental X-rays are taken to determine location and extent of fracture.
- Serious fractures may make the tooth displaced and loose, and cause the gums to bleed. We can splint the loose tooth by bonding it to the adjacent teeth to help stabilize it, while the underlying bone and gums heal. A root canal procedure may be performed during the first visit.
- Alternatively, we may give medicine on the splinted tooth to help calm the tooth pain. The tooth will then be reevaluated in two to four weeks. If the tooth appears to have recovered and is stable in the mouth, the splint is removed at that time and a filling or crown is placed to restore the fractured tooth. The tooth may still require periodic monitoring over time (months to a year) to determine if any further treatment will be needed.
If damage is severe, it can lead to pus formation around the tooth root, consequently to tooth loss.
Post treatment care
- If anesthesia was given, before you start chewing, make sure that the anesthesia is worn off
- Do not eat on silver filled tooth side for 2 days. Use the other side of the mouth.
- Do not bite on very hard things like areca nut at all
- You might feel sensitivity of teeth or soreness around your gum area; this may last only for a few days. If it is for more than a month please call us 085508 55855
- Maintain a good oral hygiene routine like brushing & flossing
- Visit us every 6 months for check up, so that problems can be detected even before they occur
Frequently Asked Questions
The treatment is highly variable.
FRACTURED TEETH -If you’ve fractured your tooth, it’s likely it can be repaired either by reattaching the broken piece or by putting a tooth-colored filling in place. Root canal treatment may be needed sometimes.
Dislodged or fallen TEETH- During an injury, a tooth may be pushed sideways, out of or into its socket. We will reposition and stabilize your tooth by splinting.
It is absolutely necessary to carry the injured tooth to the clinic. Teeth can be carried in milk or water, if milk not available.
Reach clinic within 60 minutes after injury. The earlier, the better.