Gum Diseases

Peridontal Disease/ Gum disease is an inflammation of the gum that can progress to damage the bone that supports teeth.

Gum Disease begins with formation of microbial biofilm that forms on the teeth. The biofilm represents bacterial growth in the mouth. If the bio film is not removed completely by brushing, over a period of time it transforms to tartar, which in turn causes gum disease. 

Almost everyone suffers from this disease, usually without symptoms. If it progresses it will lead to tooth loss.

Cases Treated at

Kallur Dentistry



Treatment for Gum/Periodontal Disease

The treatment option depends on the stage of Gum Disease.

Deep Cleaning

This is done in the very initial stage of Gum Disease.

Scaling & Root Planning

This is also a deep cleaning process. This is done only if we find that you have calculus deposits under the gum.

Surgical Treatment Includes:

01. Flap Surgery

Incision is made on the gums to remove the tartar. This method is used to remove the gap between gums and tooth.

02. Bone Graft

This method is used if lot of bone is lost. We use fragments of synthetic bone or your own bone to replace the bone destroyed due to gum disease

03. Soft Tissue Graft

This method is used if the gums are severely receded. Gum tissue is taken from the another area of the mouth and is stitched to the area of gum recession.

04. Guided Tissue Regeneration/GTR

GTR is done along with flap surgery when bone is destroyed. A small piece of mesh-like bio compatible fabric between bone and gum tissue.



Ultimately, It can lead to loss of some or all teeth.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. Gum diseases are caused by tartar on the teeth. This requires professional treatment and good oral hygiene.

Curing gum diseases depends on the stage at which treatment begins. The recovery time is highly variable- few days to weeks.

The treatment outcome depends on the stage of gum disease.