Removable Complete Denture

Dentures are removable artificial teeth which are used as a replacement of missing teeth. They have to be removed at night.

Cases Treated at

Kallur Dentistry

When does one need removable complete dentures?



Removable dentures Fixed dentures
Very old techniqueLatest technique
After few years, the jawbone below the denture wears off. So new set of dentures may not be possibleEven after decades, the jaw bone doesn’t wear off
Life of removable dentures is lessLife of fixed dentures is high
Relatively simple and cheaper in short term but expensive long termComplex & expensive in short term but cheaper in long term

care of the dentures

Frequently Asked Questions

As all the teeth are lost, only bone and gums are left. Dentures can only sit on these; they don’t have a proper anchor to cling on to. If a lot of bone is gone, the dentures can so loose that implants may be required to secure them.

In order to allow gums and bones to relax and proper blood flow at night time, removing denture is advised.

No, dentures do not hurt. It is only at the beginning that patients may feel a little discomfort or uneasiness